Product names and branded terms


The parent brand name Autodesk precedes all names in the official product identity. It designates the origin of a product or service and ties together all our offerings. This approach supports our efforts to build equity in our corporate brand. In other words, putting the Autodesk stamp on all offerings gives Autodesk credit for our technology and business innovation.

See below for guidance on when and how to use Autodesk in product and collection names, as well as information on program names and other branded terms.

For related information, please see Trademarks.

Industry collections

The proper names of Autodesk’s industry collections are:

  • Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection
  • Product Design & Manufacturing Collection
  • Media & Entertainment Collection

The collections do not require Autodesk when referenced in Autodesk-branded environments. For third-party usage, include Autodesk on first reference: Autodesk Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection.

On second reference, you can shorten Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection to AEC Collection. However, always spell out the other two collections; do not abbreviate them as PD&M Collection or M&E Collection. Exception: When listing collection names in browser titles, using initialisms is acceptable to prevent truncation (which can impact search). Examples:

Resubscribe To Maya | Upgrade To The M&E Collection | Autodesk

Resubscribe To Inventor | Upgrade To The PD&M Collection | Autodesk

When referring to a collection generically (industry collection or collection), use lowercase. Uppercase collection only when using the proper name. Examples:

The industry collection includes both AutoCAD and Revit software.

The collection includes both AutoCAD and Revit software.

The Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection includes both AutoCAD and Revit software.

Product names

Always make sure it is clear the product in question comes from Autodesk, especially when the name is used not in an Autodesk-branded context, such as industry publications.

We do not currently require the use of Autodesk preceding a product name when it is used within an Autodesk-branded environment, unless a product legally requires it. However, we encourage use on product overview web pages to support SEO.

Our product names are trademarks. Please be aware of our current trademark guidelines, including the requirement to use trademarks as an adjective at least once in body copy on Autodesk-branded properties.

See below for more specifics and use cases.

Product names on Autodesk product overview web pages

For Autodesk product overview web pages, include Autodesk with product names in multiple content touchpoints. This is not a legal requirement; however, adhering to these guidelines helps support our SEO strategies for branded keywords.

Precede a product name with Autodesk in the following areas:

  • To lead the browser title. Example:

Autodesk AutoCAD Software | Get Prices & Buy Official AutoCAD 2023

  • Within the page meta description. Example:

Use Autodesk AutoCAD computer-aided design software to create precise 2D and 3D drawings. Buy an AutoCAD subscription from the official Autodesk store or a reseller.

  • In the H1 header.
  • At least twice in H2 headers on the page.
  • At least three times across all other headers (H3 to H6).
  • On first reference in body copy, then at least four additional times within body copy (can be within FAQ content)
  • At least three times in alt text

Product names in all other Autodesk-branded digital environments

“Branded” refers to an environment in which the Autodesk logo is prominent and would include, subdomains of, Autodesk microsites, and Autodesk blogs.

General guidelines

  • In areas other than Autodesk product overview web pages, you do not need to precede a product name with Autodesk unless a product name legally requires it (see list below).
    • If a product legally requires Autodesk, you must use it in first reference. If space allows, include Autodesk in an H1 heading or H2 subheading as well as in first reference in body copy. If this isn’t possible, use Autodesk with the product name in first reference in body copy.
    • If there are multiple references to a product name that legally requires Autodesk in copy, repeat Autodesk up to 25 percent of the time. Use your best judgment to accommodate good writing.
  • When using descriptive names, you may need to add Autodesk whenever you need to clarify a reference to a specific Autodesk product, rather than the technology in general. For example, you would write Autodesk Generative Design to refer to our branded product, but simply generative design when discussing the topic.
  • It’s never wrong to precede a product name with Autodesk. When in doubt, include it.

Product names in lists

  • Do not use Autodesk in product lists created (and properly branded) by Autodesk, even if a product name legally requires it. This avoids confusing alphabetization and improves scannability.
  • If a product or products appear in a third-party list, always use the full name with Autodesk.

Product names in Autodesk marketing assets

This covers content types such as e-books, blog posts, infographics, brochures, buyer’s guides, reports, and so on.

  • If an asset does not include the Autodesk logo, use Autodesk on first reference with a product name (Autodesk Inventor).
  • If a product name legally requires Autodesk, use it in all instances (first and subsequent references) regardless of logo.

Product names in Autodesk-authored press releases

  • Include Autodesk  with all product names on first reference.
  • If a product legally requires Autodesk, use it in all instances (first and subsequent references).

Product names in an in-product environment

  • Drop Autodesk unless the product name legally requires it. If a product legally requires Autodesk, you must use it in first reference.

Product names in video titles

  • Preface all product names with Autodesk.

Product names in PowerPoint presentation titles

  • If the Autodesk logo is present on the title slide, the product name may be used alone, unless Autodesk is required by Legal.
  • If a product legally requires Autodesk, use it in the title and in first reference in the presentation.

Product names outside an Autodesk environment, such as on third-party sites

General guidelines

  • Prioritize the parent brand and preface all product names with Autodesk on first reference. If a product legally requires Autodesk, use it in all instances (first and subsequent references).
  • Use Autodesk in headlines and first references on third-party publications and blogs.

Product names in third-party lists

  • Include Autodesk with all product names in third-party product lists.

Product names in third-party marketing assets

  • Use Autodesk on first reference with all product names. If the product name legally requires Autodesk, use it in all instances (first and subsequent references).

Third-party products or names

Do not include trademark symbols for third-party products or names.

Exception: On the Inventor Nastran product center, add the following footnote on the Overview page: NASTRAN is a registered trademark of the National Aeronautics Space Administration.

Product name abbreviations

Don’t use abbreviations for product names, either internally or externally. Always use correct product names.

No: Max

Yes: 3ds Max   

Product names that legally require Autodesk

The following products legally require Autodesk as a part of their names. You must use the full name at least on first reference in body copy within Autodesk-branded digital properties. Use the full name in all references in press releases, marketing assets, and when used outside an Autodesk environment. See the guidance above for more details.

As of February 2025, those products are:

  • Autodesk BIM Collaborate
  • Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro
  • Autodesk Build
  • Autodesk Construction Cloud
  • Autodesk Docs
  • Autodesk Drive
  • Autodesk Flow
  • Autodesk Flow Studio
  • Autodesk Forma
  • Autodesk Fusion
  • Autodesk Nastran (alternatively: Inventor Nastran)
  • Autodesk Rendering
  • Autodesk Takeoff
  • Autodesk Tandem
  • Autodesk Viewer
  • Autodesk Workshop XR

Product noun phrases

We use product noun phrases in conjunction with a product name for several reasons:

  • Help us follow legal requirements to use trademarks as adjectives at least once within body copy
  • Highlight the top features or functionalities of the software
  • Optimize content for search

Using consistent product noun phrases is especially important for new products that have little brand recognition or that are in competitive spaces.

Use a product noun phrase after a product name (i.e., using the product name as an adjective) at least once within body copy. After that, try to use software, app, service, or another appropriate noun occasionally throughout the copy.

Adjective usage: Revit building design software

Later: Revit software

Adjective usage: SketchBook drawing app

Later: SketchBook app

Program names

For Autodesk-branded programs, retain Autodesk in the name. Examples:

Autodesk University

Autodesk Consulting

Third-party product names

Do not include trademark symbols for third-party products or names.

Autodesk logos and product icons

For guidance on the use of Autodesk logos and product icons on Autodesk-authored content, please consult the Autodesk Brand Hub.

Do not use Autodesk logos or product icons on content that is not Autodesk-authored without Autodesk’s permission.

Third-party logos

Do not use third-party logos on Autodesk-authored content without the third party’s permission.


DWG is the name of Autodesk’s proprietary file format and technology used in AutoCAD software and related products. DWG is also an Autodesk trademark. Autodesk’s DWG product names include:

  • DWG
  • DWG TrueView
  • TrustedDWG
  • RealDWG

Options for generic nouns to follow DWG include:

  • DWG technology
  • DWG file
  • DWG file format
  • DWG file viewer
  • .dwg viewer

Always use DWG in adjectival form. Do not use it as a plural or possessive.

Yes: DWG™ technology

No: DWGs